作品展 「 – 車真 - 今を生きる車たち 」 より

I try to use photography to capture a sense of the precious time people spend in their cherished cars, to convey memories of a cherished page from the owner’s life. The sharing of that hope with the owner by viewing an image together, and especially the polishing of the image through developing and processing until it reaches the level of fine art photography – that is what I call a “Car Photo.”
What “exists” therein is not merely a photographed car. It is an image of a “living” care into which an overflowing abundance of love has been poured.
大切な愛車と過ごすかけがえのない時間、そして大切な人生の1ページである想い出を、撮影を通して残したい。その想いをオーナーと共有し、撮影に臨み、更には現像、加工工程を経て作品と呼べる水準まで磨き上げられた珠玉の写真、それを -車真- と呼ぶ。